
Beauty Tips For my Younger Self

When I started doing my makeup I was in high school and I had no clue about anything. My mom helped a little but my older sister was also clueless. And as it wasn’t a huge thing 8-9 years ago. I didn’t think to go online and look. So I just tried my hardest to follow everyone else and buy what I could with my pocket money.  I’ll admit I wasn’t the best, not that I am now, but I had no clue what suited me and my skin tone. No idea about skincare and how to help yourself at that stage in life. Or even how to put most of it on. I know a lot of it now thanks to beauty gurus and videos on youtube and Instagram. But it still can’t help the disaster I was. There used to be a photo of me that I took in the mirror with my eye thick with eyeliner, only 4 curls in the front of my hair and no other makeup on what so ever. I’m proud to say I have changed but I’m also not ashamed of my younger mess.  I always cared about my hair, and my makeup and what I wore. And I know even from the past couple of months my style develops all the time. So, this is a few tips I wish I could have given myself.

First things first, take care of your skin. Get some micellar water, a cleanser, a spot treatment and a moisturizer. Double cleanse your skin and then treat it. Micellar water, it’s quick and simple to use and cheap to buy. It gets rid of all the dirt and you can really see a difference. For the cleanser get a makeup remover, this will remove any last traces of makeup that hasn’t been removed and also get the dirt that is deep in the pores. The spot treatment will help to fight against all the blemishes you have and hopefully reduce your stress levels which help to cause them. I recommend something that either has tea tree oil in it or if you’re allergic, something that reduces the level of sebum on your skin. Also, something mattifying is helpful in the morning as it helps makeup look better when it’s on. Now when I say a moisturizer, you could go many different ways. You could get a simple face cream that will keep your skin hydrated all day, or you could split it into two different creams. One for the morning and one for the night. Or you could get something that moisturizes your skin for a long time so you don’t have to put in on every day. As long as you have something to help your skin stay hydrated you’ll be fine. I also recommend getting yourself a good lip product as your lips are sometimes forgotten about. You can use anything you like as long as you keep them hydrated.

Now for the makeup, you don’t want to be wearing a full face of dramatic makeup to sit in maths. So I recommend you just go natural. Mineral magic is a beautiful compact that you could put in your bag and carry with you. It covers your skin beautifully and helps your skin tome to look even without having to wear foundation. If you are having a bad skin day then find a good concealer for your skin type and what you prefer. I love a stick concealer. Use your fingers, a brush or a beauty blender to buff it in and cover everything to help you look your best. The only other thing you need now is your brows and mascara.

Your brows will take a lot of practice to get right and they are sisters, not twins. Don’t panic if they don’t look the same, they’re not supposed to. For your first try, I recommend some brow gel just to tame them and colour them a little. This way they still look natural and you don’t have to worry about making them too big or too thin. But when you feel ready you can move on to a pencil to draw small fake hairs and make them look more shapely and full. The mascara is easy. Use whatever you like as long as it doesn’t make your eyelashes clump together. I like to use waterproof mascara mostly now, as hayfever exists but also because you’re having fun and you’re not cautious about you makeup 24/7 so you don’t want to accidentally rub your eye and walk around school looking like a panda. Therefore waterproof is better as it’s less likely to smudge.

Now with your hair, there’s only one thing that is really required. Make sure to wash it as often as it needs. You can’t do anything bad to your hair by washing it too much. Look after it and it will stay looking good.  Don’t forget to treat it every once in a while and it will continue to look its best. To style your hair, do whatever you want. Stick It up in a pony or plait it. Put it up in a high bun or have it down. Straighten it or curl it (don’t forget heat protection) but look after it and it will be manageable.

Overall just look after yourself and your body. You are beautiful inside and out and you should feel amazing everyday. Love yourself and those around you. Just live beautiful.

9 thoughts on “Beauty Tips For my Younger Self

  1. Some really good advice here and I love the final sentence about loving ourselves! Very true and very important. I also like your comment about eyebrows being sisters and not twins! I think if girls do their eyebrows it should look natural, so you are totally right with that comment. A lovely enjoyable read 🙂 xx


  2. They are sisters not twins…lol…brilliant! I am 42 now but when I was pre-16 my mother did not want me wearing make-up and well, I listened and I look back on that fresh faced girl and I love her so…so innocent. These are honestly good tips for any age! 🙂 Thanks!


    1. My grandad was the same, if I knew he was coming over I wasn’t allowed any on 😁 now I can’t leave the house without anything otherwise I feel bare 😂


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